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  • ellisalfredcrook

How to achieve the PERFECT squat...

The king of lower body exercises and the hardest exercise to perform (in my opinion). So what is the proper technique? I'll be telling you everything you need to know to blow up those quads. First, let me tell you what NOT to do:

  • Hold the barbell on your neck

  • Perform the exercise with toes pointed straight ahead

  • Use the Glutes as the primary mover

  • Have your hands gripped very far apart

  • Squat down to less than 90 degrees

The most common mistake I see is pointing the toes straight ahead. Your knees should bend outwards. Now that you know what NOT to do, let me explain all the steps to get the PERFECT squat:

1- Stand with the bar resting on your upper traps

2- Grip the bar as close to your neck as possible while being comfortable

3- Lift the bar off the rack and pause for a second

4 - Take two steps forward

5- Stand with your feet in line with your hips

6- Point your toes outward slightly

7- Squeeze your core and brace yourself

8- Hold the bar onto your traps as still as possible

9- Use your legs to squat until your knees are over your toes

10- pause for a second at the bottom

11- DRIVE up with your legs until you are at the starting position

12- Repeat

Now you're ready to get those lower body gains! Remember, using the proper technique will improve your strength and help you to grow more muscle. Now go out there and squat like a pro.

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