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  • ellisalfredcrook

Why you should be eating eggs every day...

What could be so special about these things that come from a chicken?

Don't worry I'll reveal the dark secrets of them and how they can make you a superhero. First things first, they are very EASY to cook - you can scramble them, fry them, eat them hard-boiled, put them in a lovely omelette and of course poach them. I mean how can you get bored of eating them?! Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. These bad boys are a BRILLIANT source of fatty acids. Now, Omega 3 and 6 are nutrients most people don't include in their diet enough and they definitely should! They improve cardiovascular health (heart) and reduce your chances of getting most cancers. Who wouldn't want to avoid that? Let's move on to the other nutrients. They are a great source of vitamins D, A, E, K and pretty much every other mineral. I'll be honest there's too many to list, so just take a look for yourself:

Impressive, right? You would be stupid not to eat them. The final (secret) benefit of these is very useful for you men who are reading this. They boost libido massively and increase your testosterone. No matter how you like to eat your eggs, they are a great addition to anyone's diet. So how many eggs do you have in your fridge right now?

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